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top pg resources

We understand that there is a lot of information out there to navigate, and finding what you need to prepare for birth and life with a baby can be difficult- even overwhelming. Some people find it useful to have lots of information at their fingertips, while others prefer to limit their reading. Here are our top reccommendations for books, websites and local support groups.

Guide to childbirth by Ina May Gaskin

This book is full of lovely birth stories to inspire you and remind you that birth is normal, and also lots of really helpful information to help you prepare for the birth.


The New Active Birth by Janet Balaskas

This is a great read, full of information about labour and birth, and lots of information around movement and positions for the different stages of labour. There are lots of useful images and descriptions of yoga based exercises for pregnancy and the post natal period.


The Positive Birth Book by Milli Hill

A modern day guide to childbirth complete with stories, practical information and tips. Written with huge amounts of good humour and a deep understadning of the landscape of birth today. Introducing the visual birth plan to download here.


Gentle Birth Gentle Mothering by Sarah Buckley

This is a different kind of read, written by a GP who is an advocate for homebirth and natural birth. It’s full of very helpful information and research.

It covers a lot of ground!


Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding by Ina May Gaskin

Another great book by Ina May, it’s full of useful information and excellent advice for treating a range of conditions that might arise on the breastfeeding journey.  A very good reference to have on the shelf,

and also an excellent read.


The Food of Love by Kate Evans

This book is full of great information in an ultra-accessible, funny and non-prescriptive style

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

by La Leche League International

This is the La Leche League’s key resource and is an excellent book to have if you’re planning to breastfeed.  Read it before the birth and then keep it on hand to reference for various breastfeeding issues and to get tips and tricks for helping with feeding.


What Mothers Do by Naomi Stadlen

This is such a reassuring and encouraging book, looking at what the role of a mother is (especially when it looks like she’s doing nothing) and acknowledging how being a mother can sometimes be really difficult. A great gift for yourself or any new mother you know.


The Baby Book

by Dr William Sears and Martha Sears

This book is designed to cover parenting issues from birth to the age of two, and addresses things like how to bond with your baby, how to care for your newborn (practical stuff like bathing and nail care), infant feeding, babywearing and, nighttime parenting. It probably contains everything you need for those first 2 years.  Only downside: it can sometimes come across as a bit smug but if you can get past that, it’s a great resource.


Why Your Baby's Sleep Matters

by Sarah Ockwell-Smith

This is the kind of book every new parent should read. It is so helpful to understand how a baby’s sleep cycles work, what is normal for a baby and therefore what you can expect in terms of your babys’ sleep.  This is all covered in this little gem of a book, as well as things like co-sleeping/bed sharing, breastfeeding, napping and coping with exhaustion.


AIMS (Association for the Improvement of Midwifery Services)


In addition to the top reccommendations, all of the AIMS publications are

excellent resources: concise, easy to digest booklets which are research based

and written by experienced midwives and birthworkers.

  • Am I Allowed?

  • Birthing Your Baby - Second Stage

  • Breech Birth - What are my options?

  • Birth after Caesarean

  • Group B Strep Explained

  • Inducing Labour: Making Informed Decisions

  • Vitamin K and the Newborn

  • Safety in Childbirth

  • Birthing Your Placenta, The Third Stage

  • Caesarean Birth - Your Questions Answered



Between us we have a varied and extensive library of books, available for our clients to borrow.

If there are particular titles or subjects you are looking to read more about,

then ask us for more information and we can give you details of what we have available.


OUR Top 10


Websites and ONLINE support


The Positive Birth Movement

Founded by writer Milli Hill


AIMS - Association for the Improvement of Midwifery Services

Research based information and support


Sara Wickham

Midwife, researcher and author


Tell Me a Good Birth Story

Positive Birth Stories to read, network connecting people

who've had positive birth experiences with pregnant mums


Spinning babies

Information and techniques for Optimal Feotal Positioning



Information, Birth stories, Homebirth plans


Placenta Remedies Network

Information about using your placenta in different ways


Jack Newman

Breastfeeding information and videos


Human Milk

The science behind breastmilk & breast milk advert


Human Milk for Human Babies

Breastmilk sharing network

Bristol Support Groups

Bristol support GROUPS


Bristol has many groups and regular meetings to suport mothers and their families for

pregnancy, birth and beyond. Here are some useful ones:​


Bristol Homebirth Group

Monthly drop in meetings to learn about Homebirth and to meet others who are exploring this option,

supported by Birth workers and Homebirthing mothers. Meetings include Birthstories from

Homebirthing parents, rotating monthly topics and open discussion as well as a lending library.


Mothers for Mothers

Postnatal Depression Support Group run by mothers who have experienced PND

offering advice and support in person and via a helpline.


Bristol Sling Library

Advice on safe baby wearing, support and lending of many varieties of baby carriers,

 helping parents choose which carriers are best for them and how to use them.


La Leche League

Monthly Drop in coffee morning offering Breastfeeding support and advcice.

Mums with bumps, babies and toddlers welcome.


Bristol Breastfeeding Support groups

A List of drop in suport groups at differnt locations accross Bristol.

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Illustrations by Tortie Rye 2017 ©


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