Daniella is on maternity leave until winter 2023 for birth and postnatal doula support,
but will be starting up Hypnobirthing classes in the summer. Book your places!
Hypnobirthing is a powerful tool for women and their birth partners. It can help you to feel more in control and empowered during labour. It is a great support whatever kind of birth you are planning to have and provides a platform to let go of any fear around birth.Through hypnosis women gain more trust in their body and experience feelings of safety and relaxation. It is this in itself that helps the body to produce all the right hormones to give birth as calmly as possible. Though various relaxation tools and hypnosis techniques a strong mind-body connection can be made that supports the birthing process. This is important for a positive experience during birth and early motherhood.
I can't begin to thank you enough for all the help you gave us. Giving birth was incredible, I had the best birth partner I could have asked for and I know that he got all his knowledge from your course! Again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, we couldn't have done it without you.

Daniella teaches weekend
courses every other month
It's a fully comprehensive birth preparation course, benefiting the birthing woman, her baby and partner.
During the course you will:
Understand in depth the birthing process and the hormones needed.
Learn how fear and anxiety can have a negative impact when giving birth and how to reduce it. Through hypnosis you will learn to work with your body - not against it.
Master simple relaxation and breathing techniques for birth and beyond
Natural ways to manage pain and discomfort during labour
Learn self and partner led hypnosis to feel empowered during birth and early motherhood
Deepen your connection with your body, baby and partner
Partners gain knowledge and skills to truly be able to support the labouring woman
Practical techniques to help you stay calm and relaxed during birth, including massage, use of a birth ball and different birth positions
Learn about the medical system, potential interventions and tools for informed decision making during labour
Learn how to embrace your labour, no matter how it unfolds
You will receive over 2 hours of different hypnosis tracks, home activities, a course pack and goodies. You will also receive ongoing support from Daniella until your baby is born.